1777 Ala Moana Blvd 937 Honolulu Hawaii 96815 · Project: Ilikai Apartment Building · Subdivision: Waikiki · Taxkey: 1-2-6-10-7-162
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MLS changes
MLS# DateFromToAcres LandA-ListA-SellDOMList PriceB-ListB-SellSold
2601581 ListStatus1/19/2006IncommingActive 0.000 225011 699,000 HOLA 0
2601581 ListStatus6/30/2006WithdrawnActive 0.000 22501153 640,000 HOLA 0
2601581 ListStatus6/30/2006ActiveContinue to show 0.000 22501153 640,000 HOLA 0
2601581 ListStatus7/4/2006Continue to showActive 0.000 22501162 640,000 HOLA 0
2601581 ListStatus9/18/2006ActiveContinue to show 0.000 22501244 599,000 HOLA 0
2601581 ListStatus10/28/2006Continue to showSold 0.000 22501240 599,000 HOLA 580,000
2703905 ListStatus2/16/2007IncommingActive 0.000 245961 679,000 NATH 0
2703905 ListStatus4/2/2007ActiveWithdrawn 0.000 2459646 639,000 NATH 0
2706721 ListStatus4/5/2007IncommingActive 0.000 273280 619,500 EAST 0
2706721 ListStatus5/21/2007ActiveWithdrawn 0.000 2732848 619,500 EAST 0
2905492 ListStatus4/20/2009IncommingActive 0.000 253561 299,000 LOCA03 0
2905492 ListStatus4/25/2009ActiveContinue to show 0.000 253566 299,000 LOCA03 0
2905492 ListStatus8/21/2009Continue to showPending 0.000 253566 299,000 LOCA03 0
2905492 ListStatus9/4/2009PendingSold 0.000 25356014846 299,000 LOCA03HAND 295,000

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If you are already working with an agent, please contact them directly for more information on this Tax Map Key.
Otherwise, contact:
Robin Glass, (R), PB, MBA
Hawaii Home + Commercial LLC
☎ 808-358-1774
